This blog serves the readers of Edgar Allan Poe as a source for information and discussion. It is designed to support the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (GO HERE) BIG READ programming. The NEA's "Reader's Guide" to the stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe is HERE.

The Vigo County Public Library of Terre Haute, Indiana serves as the home base of this BIG READ initiative. For a calendar of the BOOK DISCUSSIONS and EVENTS related to Poe and his work, visit the homepage of the library HERE.

From Libby, Montana in the north to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in the south, west to Carmel, California and east to Saco, Maine-- many communities across the country are participating in the BIG READ. However you found your way here, you are a reader and you are welcome. Please pass the word along to others about the READ POE – DISCUSS POE blog. The more readers who participate the livelier the discussion.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Poe’s Hat.

There is no telling what ever happened to Poe’s hat. When he was found at a Baltimore polling place four days before his death, someone had already stolen it and replaced it with a cheaper one. As a witness, Dr. Joseph Snodgrass, later wrote, Poe’s “hat, or rather the hat of somebody else, for he had evidently been robbed of his clothing, or cheated in an exchange, was a cheap palm leaf one, without a band, and soiled.” It appears someone may have purloined Poe’s hat and likely disposed of it at some point without ever realizing (or caring) that it had once belonged to a famous poet.
