This blog serves the readers of Edgar Allan Poe as a source for information and discussion. It is designed to support the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (GO HERE) BIG READ programming. The NEA's "Reader's Guide" to the stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe is HERE.

The Vigo County Public Library of Terre Haute, Indiana serves as the home base of this BIG READ initiative. For a calendar of the BOOK DISCUSSIONS and EVENTS related to Poe and his work, visit the homepage of the library HERE.

From Libby, Montana in the north to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in the south, west to Carmel, California and east to Saco, Maine-- many communities across the country are participating in the BIG READ. However you found your way here, you are a reader and you are welcome. Please pass the word along to others about the READ POE – DISCUSS POE blog. The more readers who participate the livelier the discussion.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Not Over Till It's Over --Poe Toaster Lives!

I was there -- the Poe Toaster came

By Michael Madden

Baltimore Sun 2:25 PM EST, January 26, 2011

Yes, Virginia, there is a Poe Toaster.

Now that smoke from the supposed failure of the Poe Toaster to materialize on Jan. 19 has cleared, it is time to consider the fundamental question: Did the Poe Toaster appear, or not?

I was among the crowd gathered outside the graveyard at Baltimore's Westminster Hall, hoping for a glimpse of the Poe Toaster — the mysterious visitor who, since 1949, had crept unnoticed into the ancient graveyard on that date, leaving cognac and flowers on the grave of Edgar Allan Poe. . . .

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